Our theatre is temporarily closed, but we are still working hard to be prepared to provide live theatre to the community when it is safe. Your continued support will be greatly appreciated by participating in our "Home Movie Night Snack Pack" fund raiser.
Snack Pack includes: 1 - 16 oz. bottled drink (your choice), 1 pkg. candy*, and 1 pkg. microwave popcorn. (Limited quantities of Snack Packs, so order early)
$5.00/snack pack
Online orders only - NO on-site purchases.
Drive through pick up at the Bay Area Harbour Playhouse (3803 Highway 3, Dickinson) on Friday, October 2, 2020 from 5:00 p.m to 7:00 p.m. All Covid-19 precautions will be taken.
*random selection and may include nut products